TRADEMARK CLASS 8: Hand tools and implements

Different goods and services are classified into 45 Trademark Classes by the International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services (1 to 34 cover Goods, and 35 to 45 cover Services).

Hand-operated machinery that is utilized as a tool in the respective fields is classified as Class 8.

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This Class includes:

  1. Cutlery of valuable metals,
  2. Electric razors and clippers (hand instruments),
  3. Keen-edged and Blunt Weapons,
  4. Hand Tools for Cutting, Grinding, Sharpening, and Surface Treatment,
  5. Agricultural and Gardening Tools,
  6. Manicure and Pedicure Tools,
  7. Food Preparation Utensils and Implements, Kitchen Knives and Cutlery,
  8. Hand-operated Tools for Treatment of Materials,
  9. Hand-operated Tools and Implements for Construction and Repairing,
  10. Fastening and Joining Tools,
  11. Hair Cutting, Shaving, and Hair Removal Implements,
  12. Animal Slaughtering and Butchering Implements,
  13. Lifting Jacks and Tools,
  14. Hygienic and Beauty Implements and Tools for Humans and Animals,
  15. Hair Styling Appliances,
  16. Fire Tending Implements,
  17. And, other hand-operated tools, equipment, and implements that are not included in other classes.

This Class does not include:

  1. Certain special instruments
  2. Machine tools and implements driven by a motor (Class 7)
  3. Surgical cutlery (Class l0)
  4. Side arms being firearms (Class 13)
  5. Paper knives (Class 16)
  6. Fencing weapons (Class 28)

Related (Coordinated) Classes

If the applicant is not sure whether to register in Class 8, the following ‘coordinated’ classes may be considered:

Class 45: Legal and Security Services