5 Step Guide To Trademark Your Brand

Have you recently started, or are you already running a business? You may already have a good understanding of how crucial branding is for your company. Branding was formerly a problem solely for large corporations, but it has now become necessary for most individuals establishing a business. In today’s world, if you don’t build and defend a distinct brand image, you will be lost in the sea of competitors. Otherwise, people would confuse your company with others, which can lose you a lot of money.

If you already have a business name you wish to trademark, you may skip step 1.

  1. Choosing your trademark

The following can be trademarked: a term, phrase, gadget, symbol, or colour. In addition, create a unique brand name, slogan or logo that no other company uses.

Here are some factors to think about while selecting a trademark:

  • Keep it short
  • Make it memorable
  • It should be unique
  • Avoid generic names or terms

When selecting a brand name, remember that two sorts of brand names function well.

Names that are arbitrary or imaginative do not necessarily have a meaning or are unrelated to the thing you are offering. For example, consider Twitter, Apple, and McDonald’s.

Suggestive or descriptive names that hint at what your business or product is about. Examples include Tata Motors, Pizza Hut, and Air India.

  1. Difference between a color logo or black & white

Humans are visual creatures. Images are far more memorable than names or sentences. That is why a logo is essential for a business; it allows consumers to recognize them in a split second.

So keep the following in mind while trademarking your logo:

  • When you trademark a color logo, you protect the logo and the color sequence. Any alterations are not protected.
  • You should be free to use it indefinitely.
  • Ensure that the colors are relevant to your business and audience.
  • Build your brand image around the colors of your logo.

Not sure if you’ve discovered your brand colors yet? There are no problems. A black and white logo can be trademarked. Because a black and white trademark covers the logo pattern, you can use other color patterns in your design. Get this and play around with it until you discover your brand’s colors.

  1. Check for availability

The registration of the wordmark or logo is required. You will experience challenges and complications if a request for a comparable or similar mark has previously been lodged. As a result, you should first verify the Trademark Registry.

If you are connecting to numerous classes, you should ensure that each class has availability.

Here’s a hint: If you want to trademark your brand name and logo, you may do so in a single application. The sole requirement is that your logo includes your company’s name. Instead of having two trademarks, this method saves time and money.

  1. Pick the right class

Let’s go on to registering for trademark registration when you’ve finished generating your brand name, logo, or both.

The first step is to choose an appropriate class for trademark protection. The trademark registration has established 45 classifications for various products and services. Choose the most appropriate class based on your company’s activities. If you are eligible for more than one class, you must register for all of them.

Remember that you may loping an application, you must explain the goods and services. You may choose the provided donly protect the trademark name or emblem in the class for which it was applied. When deveescription or modify it to meet your needs. However, after you’ve applied, you won’t be able to change the class or description. Be broad in your explanation and include additional items in your long-term strategy. This reduces the cost of your application while providing enough protection.

  1. Mention the user date

Do you already have a brand name or logo that you’ve been using? Great! Make a point of mentioning when you started using it in the application under ‘user date.’

Why? Because in India, rather than following the first-come-first-served method of trademark registration, individuals who began using the name or logo first are given precedence. This will assist you in obtaining your trademark even if a new company has applied for a comparable trademark.


Have a good idea regarding trademark registration? Make a note of these considerations before beginning your trademark application.