TRADEMARK CLASS 23: Yarns and threads


Trademark Class 23 protects various yarns and threads used to make various textiles. In comparison to many of the other classes, it is a very narrow category. When you register a trademark in any class, you are looking to protect yourself from industry infringement. Another company may use a trademark that is similar to yours, but this is only an issue if there is a risk of confusion in the marketplace.

Assume you want to register a mark for your embroidery threads and yarns company. A company that produces a Class 2 paint product can have a similar mark by registering under a different class because people are unlikely to confuse the marks when they hit the market. Read TRADEMARK CLASS 24

Keeping this in mind, Class 23 is extremely specific, so determining whether or not to register your mark under it is relatively simple. This class essentially covers all raw types of chenille, coir, cotton, darning, elastic, embroidery, fiberglass, hemp, jute, linen, rayon, rubber, sewing, spun thread, woolen thread, spun wool, cotton, and silk used in textile production.

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Related Classes

Class 23 does not overlap with many other trademark classes because it is so specific. Class 22 is the most closely related, and it includes ropes, fibers, and other unprocessed and processed textile materials.

Essentially, if your product isn’t specifically listed as Class 23, it’ll most likely fall under Class 22 instead.