TRADEMARK CLASS 27: Carpets, rugs, mats

rademarks must be applied for or registered in categories, and each class represents a separate class of products or services.

In 1957, the NICE Agreement established the NICE Classification, which divided marks into 45 different classes based on Goods and Services (Classes 1-34 for Goods and Classes 35-45 for Services). These classifications are intended to allow users to search for trademark goods or services in the classes that are most relevant to their business.

Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum, and other materials; non-textile wall hanging are all covered by TM Class 27.

Trademark Class 27

Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum, and other equipment to cover current floors; (non-textile) wall hangings are examples of Trademark Class 27 items.

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As a result, Trademark Class 27 is primarily concerned with products designed to be added as furniture to previously constructed floors and walls.

The following goods must NOT be classified under Class 27:

  1. Wooden flooring.

Related Classes

A related class of marks is related to another class because the Indian Trademark Office (ITO) has determined that applicants registering in Class 27 are also eligible to register in these other classes.

If you are unsure about selecting Class 27 for your product, the following “Related Classes” are also taken into account: Science and Technology Services (Class 42), Construction and Repair Services (Class 37), Advertising and Business Services (Class 35), Textile and Textile Goods (Class 24), and Construction Materials (Class 19).

Trademark registration fees frequently vary based on the Class system. You will charge a separate registration fee for each class of goods and services you wish to register. If you want to register a trademark for Class 5 pharmaceuticals and Class 10 dental instruments and appliances, for example, you must pay two separate fees.

When registering a trademark, you must select the appropriate class; if you register a trademark in the incorrect class, you must restart the registration process from the beginning.