TRADEMARK CLASS 4: Industrial Oil and Fuels

Goods and services are both eligible for trademark registration. Goods and services are divided into 45 Trademark Classes during the trademark registration process.

Before filing an application, it is critical to determine the trademark class, as registering a trademark or name under a specific class only offers protection for that category. If a trademark is used for goods and services that fall into various classes, separate applications must be filed for each class in order to get trademark protection for the specific goods and services.

Trademark Class 4 covers industrial oils, greases, fuels, and illuminants, according to NICE classification. It also contains lubricants, dust-absorbing, wetting, and binding compounds, fuels (including motor spirit), and illuminants, as well as candles and wicks for lighting. Trademark Class 4 is included in the section titled “Classes of Goods.”

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The detailed details about Trademark Class 4 are listed below.

Types of Goods come under Trademark Class 4:

  • Industrial oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing.
  • Wetting and binding compositions, fuels (including motor spirit), and illuminants.
  • Candles and wicks for lighting.

Types of Goods that do not come under Trademark Class 4

  • Certain special industrial oils and greases.

Related (Coordinated) Classes

If the trademark merely refers to a part of a product or substance, the following coordinated classes should be indicated when filing the trademark registration application.

The most likely coordinated classes to trademark class 4 could be the following –

  1. Class 1: Chemical Products;
  2. Class 37: Construction and repair services; and

Class 42: Science and technology services.