Trademark Fair Use in the Philippines: Examining Precedents and Limitations

In today’s globalized world, trademarks are more important than ever for businesses to distinguish their products and services in a crowded marketplace. Trademarks not only represent a company’s brand but also serve as a valuable asset. However, the use of trademarks is not absolute, and there are certain situations where others can use them without infringing on the owner’s rights. This is known as trademark fair use, a concept that plays a crucial role in intellectual property law. In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of trademark fair use in the Philippines, examining relevant precedents and limitations.

Understanding Trademark Fair Use

Trademark fair use is a doctrine that allows the use of someone else’s trademark under specific circumstances without violating trademark rights. It recognizes that there are legitimate reasons for using a trademark other than to deceive or confuse consumers. Fair use typically falls into two categories: descriptive fair use and nominative fair use.

  • Descriptive Fair Use: This occurs when a person uses another’s trademark to describe their own product or service accurately. For instance, if you were selling computer software and needed to mention that it is compatible with Microsoft Windows, you can use the term “Microsoft Windows” to accurately describe compatibility without infringing on Microsoft’s trademark.
  • Nominative Fair Use: Nominative fair use allows the use of a trademark to identify the trademark owner or their products or services. This is often seen in comparative advertising or reviews. If a car review website compares various car brands and uses their logos to identify them, it’s considered nominative fair use.

Trademark Fair Use in the Philippines

The Philippines, like many countries, has adopted the concept of trademark fair use to strike a balance between protecting trademark owners and preserving the rights of others to use trademarks in legitimate ways. To better understand how this concept operates in the Philippines, let’s delve into some relevant precedents and limitations.

Precedents in the Philippines

One of the key precedents in the Philippines regarding trademark fair use is the case of McDonald’s Corporation v. L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. In this case, McDonald’s sued a local fast-food chain, Big Mak Burger, for trademark infringement. Big Mak Burger was using a name similar to “Big Mac,” one of McDonald’s most famous products.

The Philippine Supreme Court ruled in favor of Big Mak Burger, asserting that the use of “Big Mak” was not likely to confuse consumers. The court highlighted that the key issue was whether consumers were likely to be misled into thinking they were patronizing a McDonald’s restaurant. In this case, there was no such likelihood.

This case set a significant precedent by emphasizing the importance of consumer confusion in trademark infringement cases in the Philippines. It clarified that the mere similarity in names does not necessarily constitute trademark infringement if there is no likelihood of confusion.

Limitations of Trademark Fair Use in the Philippines

While the Philippines recognizes the concept of trademark fair use, there are limitations to its application:

  1. Consumer Confusion: As demonstrated in the McDonald’s case, the primary consideration is whether the use of a trademark is likely to cause consumer confusion. If the use is deemed likely to mislead consumers, it may not qualify as fair use.
  2. Commercial Use: Fair use is generally not applicable in cases of commercial use that seek to profit from the trademark owner’s goodwill or reputation. Using a famous trademark to sell unrelated products or services can still be considered trademark infringement.
  3. Non-Commercial Use: Trademark fair use is more likely to be accepted in non-commercial contexts, such as commentary, criticism, or parody. However, even in such cases, it should not harm the trademark owner’s interests or dilute the distinctiveness of the trademark.
  4. Trademark Dilution: The Philippines has also introduced provisions for the protection of famous trademarks from dilution, even in cases where there may not be consumer confusion. Dilution occurs when the uniqueness or distinctiveness of a famous trademark is impaired by its use in different contexts.

Navigating Trademark Fair Use

Navigating the concept of trademark fair use can be complex, and businesses and individuals need to understand the boundaries. When considering whether to use someone else’s trademark, it’s advisable to seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with the law.

If you find yourself in a situation involving trademark fair use in the Philippines, it’s crucial to consult with experts who specialize in intellectual property law. An experienced intellectual property law firm can provide guidance and legal support to help you navigate the complexities of trademark fair use while protecting your rights and interests.


Trademark fair use is a vital concept in intellectual property law that allows for the legitimate use of trademarks under specific circumstances. In the Philippines, the McDonald’s Corporation v. L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. case has set a significant precedent by emphasizing the importance of consumer confusion in trademark infringement cases. However, there are limitations to trademark fair use, and it’s essential to carefully consider these limitations when using someone else’s trademark.

If you’re facing trademark-related issues in the Philippines or seeking to understand trademark fair use better, it’s advisable to consult with a reputable intellectual property law firm. The experts at Brealant can provide the guidance and legal support you need to protect your rights and interests in trademark matters.

Remember, intellectual property law is complex, and it’s always best to consult with professionals who can provide the right guidance to navigate the legal landscape effectively. Protecting your intellectual property rights is crucial for your business’s success and longevity.

At Brealant, we are a leading intellectual property law firm in the Philippines, dedicated to helping businesses and individuals protect their intellectual property rights. Our team of experienced attorneys specializes in trademark law, copyright law, patent law, and more. If you have questions or concerns about trademark fair use or any other intellectual property matters, contact us today for expert legal counsel and support. Your intellectual property is a valuable asset, and we are here to ensure it is safeguarded effectively.