All you need to know about Trademark Registration Renewal

Trademark registration is valid for a period of ten years and can be renewed every ten years. The trademark protection is no longer valid if the trademark holder does not renew the trademark. By paying late fees in addition to the renewal fee, an application for renewal can be made on or before six (6) months before the registration expires, or within six (6) months after the registration expires.

Need for Renewal of Trademark

Renewal of a trademark has numerous advantages. When a trademark is registered, it grants the owner of the trademark a slew of legal rights. It prohibits trademark infringement and provides for reimbursement in the event of such infringement.

It also gives the trademark holder the ability to transfer the trademark to another person freely or company. Trademark licensing is only feasible if the trademark holder has registered the trademark, hence a registered trademark has a high monetary worth.

How to Renew a Trademark?

Trademark registration is only valid for ten (10) years, after which it must be renewed. Six (6) months before the trademark expires, the registrar of trademarks will send you a letter reminding you of its expiration. When it comes to renewing a trademark, you have two choices:

  1. Renew the trademark as it is, or
  2. Renew the trademark with changes and alterations.

After filing the application, it is necessary to monitor its progress in case any opposition to the trademark’s registration is lodged. Any member of the public can file such an objection.

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  1. The trademark will be published in the official e-gazette if the application is accepted.
  2. If the trademark has been published, the owner of the trademark has an additional ten (10) years of protection, and the trademark can be renewed forever.

The price for the renewal of a trademark depends upon whether it has been one in-person physically or it has been done online.

  • If done physically the filing for the renewal costs [xxxx].
  • If done online via e-filing it costs [xxxx].

For the renewal of a trademark, the following are required:

  1. A copy of the registration certificate.
  2. Copy of form TM-A (A form used for the original application for registering the trademark)
  3. ID and address proof of the applicant.
  4. Power of attorney if the applicant is an authorized representative or an agent.

How Brealant Helps You in the Renewal of Trademark?

  1. Preparation of documents.
  2. All expenses, including affidavits.
  3. Government filing fees.
  4. Our professional services and filing fees.
  5. Appointment of us as your agent.

Let our Philippines Trademark specialist, Paralegals and experts help you. For further inquires, you may seek legal assistance by contacting our legal experts.